Finally a Zero-Fluff, Proven Formula on How to Pull in Premium Clients and Hit $20K Months – All Without Sacrificing Your Freedom Lifestyle

Yesss, congrats on choosing to launch a coaching business and use your wisdom to transform the business and lives of others!

You’re profiting from your passion, attracting clients and maybe even making up to $10K in revenue each month, but real talk … you’re tired

  • TIRED of spending hours a day pouring your heart into social media posts
  • TIRED of giving away all your genius for free in weekly blog posts and emails, all in hope of landing a client or two.
  •  TIRED of needing to book 50, 75, 100 (or more) coaching calls a month just to hit the four figures you’re making right now..
  • TIRED of killing yourself to show up everywhere and do everything the gurus say you must in order to attract premium clients.

But before you can do so you have to shift your efforts to attract higher paying clients, show up where you’ll make the most impact and spend your days engaging in wealth-generating activities … not just busy work. 

Now, let me show you how. 

I’m Sandra Kemayou, and the FIRST thing I want you to know is I’m not just another business coach, I’m a business accelerator. Now, while I’ve been coaching for more than a decade and am known for drastically transforming businesses by helping them realize their most significant assets and strengths, I still want to let you know this:

I didn’t just “wake up” to a
six-figure coaching

business. I had to create it.

You see, I can relate to your frustration, exhaustion and seemingly out-of-reach desires for more freedom because I’ve sat right where you are today.

Trapped by a business that strapped me into a never-ending merry-go-round of busy work that left me begging for leads, booking my calendar solid with low-paying clients and flat out busting my butt to profit from my passion.

That is, until I empowered myself to bring the “ride” to a screeching halt.

Today, I pour my genius into those who need me most and am on pace to help 1,000 women build successful six-figure coaching businesses. I also consistently hit $20K+ revenue months, speak at high-profile events and showcase my coaching expertise on national TV media outlets all without sacrificing my peace, prosperity or precious family time.

What I now know is I’ve had the power all along

to pull in premium clients and revel in the REAL freedom of entrepreneurship and so do you.

But first, you must avoid these 5 things when leveling up to
5-figure months …

To begin with, I want to share that I constantly see women making 5 fatal mistakes that derail their coaching business dreams and crush their chances of hitting their revenue goals. On my journey from $0 to 5-figure months, I made every one of these but was able to learn valuable lessons and bounce back even better.

Trust me, you will face (or have faced) each of these things on your journey. But at the same time, you have to figure out how to overcome them if you ever want to reach your goal of making more money serving the people who need you most .

Mistake #1: Trying to coach everybody

Most “experts” will teach you to map out your ideal client and then go find her. And while that’s excellent advice, you can’t stop there.

  You also must develop a laser-focused message that lets her know you’ve got what she needs so she screams and shouts to the holy heavens and races to invest in your services when you finally do find her. 

Mistake #2: Not having a distinguishable brand

It’s no secret the coaching industry is a congested, crowded place. There’s more so-called expert coaches and competition than ever before, so if you want to stand out then you must build a brand that shines a spotlight on everything that makes you the right choice.

And this leads us to mistake #3.

Mistake #3: Praying for clients instead of marketing to them

Marketing is one of those things you simply can’t skip if you want to build a successful business. However, many coaches simply don’t understand marketing strategies enough to develop and execute a plan that works.

Failed marketing campaigns will leave you with a purse full of talent and wisdom and zero high-paying clients all because you didn’t fully understand how to market in a way that pulls in premium clients.

Mistake #4: Falling into the one-on-one coaching trap

While many coaching gurus swear by this business structure, it’s truly a recipe for burnout and disaster. Because you can only humanly coach so many people a day, this business model limits your revenue.

Mistake #5: Trying to do everything yourself

Now, the final mistake I see almost all new (and not-so-new) coaches making is thinking you can do everything by yourself.

Cuddling up with Google late nights and early mornings.

Tuning in for weekly podcasts.

Attempting to reverse engineer what other coaches are doing.

Those things will only take you so far.

You need more.

You need accountability and loving kicks in the behind from someone who has been where you are and is now right where you want to be.

Someone who will motivate you to keep pushing forward, deliver straightforward answers to your questions and hold you accountable for the goals you say you want to achieve.

So I gotta ask …

Who’s encouraging you?

Who’s holding you accountable?

Your answers to these questions are

vital to your success as a coach.



That’s why I’ve put together a step-by-step system to help you overcome each of these fatal mistakes and ensure you reach your first $20K month goal by [add the program end date].

Inside Map to Clients, you’ll get the easy-to-implement, zero-fluff, step-by-step formula new and not-so-new coaches have used to do just that by shifting from exhausting, 4-figure-revenue months to exhilarating, 5-figure-revenue months. 

Everything You Need to Act and

Get PAID Like a 6-Figure Coach – Guaranteed.

“I’m in the Bahamas and just wrapped up a client coaching call. I’ve always had this dream of working with people all over the world, but I didn’t really know how to bring it to fruition … until I found Sandra. I’ve been sleeping on my dreams for over a decade, but Sandra’s coaching helped me get clients immediately.”

– Tatiana Nchotu, Work With Your Body

“Before meeting Sandra, I was running my business solely online, but thanks to her all that has changed. She taught me how to automate business processes and identify my target audience, which is helping me to pull in more clients online. I recommend Sandra to every businesswomen because her advice is PRACTICAL. She’s not just ordering you to do this and do that, she’s actually delivering the step-by-step guidance needed to propel your business forward.”

– Alvana Lydia, Entreprenuer

“Sandra is an absolutely amazing and inspirational coach who has the innate ability to pull the absolute BEST out of you. And if you get the opportunity to be in her presence, just STOP and listen to what she has to say because this woman knows how to pull the TRUTH out of you.”

– Malorie Tadimi, Business Coach

Map to Clients isn’t just a “drop-a-few-talking-head-videos-in-your-inbox” course. It’s a masterclass and coaching system I developed to lovingly take you by the virtual hand and teach you the strategies needed to attract premium clients and hit (and maintain) $20K revenue months – no hustle required.

And to provide the support and accountability needed to eliminate all excuses about putting in the work to make the money you want to make.

This program is flooded with proven principles and strategies that work. It’s broken down into simple, digestible step-by-step lessons that guide you through each of the 8 phases of building a coaching business.

Each weekly lesson will leave you with an easy-to-follow actionable assignment so you can take full control of your progress and journey toward $20K revenue months.

Listen, my sincere promise to you is that Map to Clients is the ONLY program you’ll need to get to
the revenue you crave. And I guarantee as a participant in Map to Clients, you’ll get straightforward tactics and methods …

No Kung Fu ninja guesswork.

No reverse engineering or trying to channel your inner “everything is figureoutable” mode.

And no intentional information gaps to push you into another program.

Just follow the formula and get results.

Now because Map to Clients is exclusively for ambitious goal getters who are not yet making the money they want to make and are ready to hit that first $20K month, I’m only teaching my money-in-the-bank formula to women who have zero excuses about doing what it takes to attract better clients and generate more revenue – no “hustle” required.

So, if you love hustling every day and find pure joy in hunting for clients then Map to Clients is NOT for you.

Buuuut, if you’re tired of investing in one-off classes and fluff-filled courses in an attempt to piece together a tailor-made “level up” strategy that actually works, then Map to Clients is the answer to all your silent prayers.

You Will Learn How to Reach $20K Revenue Months
 by [Insert End Date of Program]

Generating $20,000 a month sounds BIG. Heck, if you’re just starting out, it might sound impossible. But it’s not.

In Map to Clients, you’ll gain access to my signature 8-phase formula for building a business system primed for premium clients. Every lesson will be meticulously broken down so you can easily follow along and implement it in your business immediately.

But (and this is crucial) me teaching you a bunch of random strategies won’t help you, unless you recognize that the key to reaching your goal is following a proven formula.

The Map to Clients program isn’t just a random collection of the “who’s-who” of business tactics. Instead, it delivers the framework, templates, scripts and step-by-step processes and checklists of when and how to execute each strategy.

Quick example …

Facebook ads. Everybody says they’re the mecca for building large audiences fast. And so it is.

But you don’t need to think about running Facebook ads until you have a clear message, a lead magnet and a great offer. Why? Because our goal is to reach $20K months as fast as possible.

That’s why the program is broken down into 8 major phases. Each milestone has a list of goals and steps. Your job is to follow the formula and execute each step in order. (That means, no Facebook ads until you’re ready.)

A Look Inside the Map to Clients Curriculum

Map to Clients covers my signature 8-phase formula for building a coaching business that attracts premium clients and generates $20K in revenue a month.

Each lesson is delivered on a weekly basis and is structured to build on the previous one, leaving you with a fully implementable, client-attracting business system exclusively designed to take women coaches from exhausting 4-figure months to exhilarating 5-figure months.

Phase #1: Break Free from Undervaluing Your Wisdom, Uncover Your Zone of Genius and Flourish into the Successful Business of You

You will:
  • Ditch old habits that devalue your skills and talents and open your heart and mind to accept the true value of your genius
  • Uncover your core strengths and discover how to operate at your fullest potential 
  •  Gain important insight on how to choose the right title, develop a mission statement, define financial goals and set winning intentions
  • ​Discover core business and coaching fundamentals to set your business up for consistent profits

Phase #2: Step Into Your Niche Factor and Cultivate a Brand that Excites, Engages and Pulls in Premium Clients

You will:
  • Nail your target market and discover your rich niche factor 
  • Build a brand that unleashes your inner BOSS and convinces “the girl in the mirror” to show up with unapologetic confidence 
  • Become the solution your audience has been searching for

Phase #3: Master High-Level Coaching Skills and Pricing Techniques Sure to Have High-Paying Clients Begging to Work with You

You will:
  • Adopt coaching practices that place you and your clients in the winner’s circle 
  • ​Establish empowering boundaries that align with your lifestyle all while giving your clients the support and accountability needed to transform their lives and businesses and reach the results they crave
  • ​Discover how to set “feel-good” rates that position you to build generational wealth, not just right-now revenue
  • ​Find out how to design program overviews and workbooks quick and easy without busting your budget
  • ​Use our legal templates to protect your assets BEFORE releasing your genius to the public

Phase #4: Create an Irresistible Signature Coaching Program that Gives Clients What They Want – Transformation and Results

You will:
  • Set your “revenue-on-repeat” by building a signature group coaching program that pulls in more clients, more money all with less work 
  • Outline your program in a way that is easily digestible for your participants
  • ​Learn the dos and don’ts of program creation so you strike the right chord of content without leaving your participants swimming in a sea of frustration and overwhelm
  • ​Discover how to flood your program with goal-crushing content and push through to completion – even when writer’s block rears its ugly head

Phase #5: Rise Up from the Shadows by Creating a Content-Rich Webinar that Shines a Light on Your Superpowers

You will:
  • Create a webinar that amplifies your genius and solidifies your place as a BOSS in the coaching industry
  • Gain in-depth understanding on the importance of the 24/7/365 lead generation and learn how to maximize the appeal of your webinar topic
  • ​Get easy-to-follow failproof instructions on creating webinar slides, choosing and using the best webinar technology and setting up your webinar scheduling system
  • ​Dissect the anatomy of a lead-generating webinar and put your webinar to the test to ensure you attract your perfect clients every day

Phase #6: Get Your Entire Business Life with Systems that Save Time and Create Constant Sales Opportunities 

You will:
  • Leverage paint-by-numbers templates and easy-to-follow how-to guides and checklists to get your website, email system, sales funnel and program delivery platform up and running fast
  • Get the inside scoop on our preferred email marketing platforms, sales funnel software and other automation systems so you never waste another second wondering which system will work for you
  • ​Use our ready-for-clients coaching agreement so you dot all i’s and cross all t’s every time you onboard a new client 
  • ​Set up your automated sales funnel so you constantly fill your pipeline with new leads and the type of clients YOU love working with

Phase #7: Set Your Revenue on Autopilot by Producing an Evergreen Webinar that Floods Your Sales Funnel with Qualified Leads 24/7/365

You will:
  • Showcase your expertise worldwide (and avoid burnout) by recording your first content-rich webinar and using it to market your program again and again
  • ​Uncover secrets to perfecting your voice and achieve optimal sound quality in the first take of your recording
  • ​Gain master-level competence using Camtasia to create a professional presentation that keeps viewers engaged until your very last word 
  • ​Produce your webinar by putting together the pieces, adding the final touches and uploading it to your sales funnel platform

Phase #8: Book Calls and Close Sales Like a Pro (And Never Again Scramble to Find the Right Words Again)

You will:
  • Use our word-for-word sales call script to engage in conversations that convert
  • ​Study and master our sales objections blueprint to arm yourself with a winning response that turns no’s into heck yesses
  • ​Discover how to get paid for your superpowers by setting up an easy-to-use client friendly payment system 
  • ​Show up like a pro by creating a user-friendly client portal for your program

Phase #9: GUEST EXPERTS: Glue Eyeballs to Your Expertise and Position Yourself as a Best of the Best Coach with High-Converting Facebook Ads 

You will step inside the brilliant minds of my superstar Facebook ads strategists Larry and Perry Yu of High-Converting Facebook Ads to:
  • Demystify the entire Facebook ad process from gauging a target market to checking the temperature of your traffic to powering up your pixel to setting up and using the ads platform to creating your first ads campaign
  • ​Get the rundown on how to target the right people, set up and monitor your ads and funnel traffic to your business around the clock
  • ​Gain access to ongoing support and answers to all your questions (and the questions you didn’t even know you had because you were so confused by the whole Facebook ads thing)

Phase #10:  Zero Cost Marketing strategies to get you making money.  

Not ready to spend money on ads yet? No worries, you will learn 10 proven strategies to get in front of your target audience without spending a dime. 
  • You will be introduced to the exciting concept of "Zero Cost Marketing."
  • ​You'll learn 8 specific zero cost marketing tools or strategies: How to build  authority while leveraging someone else audience, a viral launch post and much more. 
  • ​Generate free quality leads on Facebook and book your calendar. 

PLUS, You’ll Get On-Demand Handholding

and Kicks in the Behind …

8 Live Q&A Sessions

Tune in every week for LIVE Q&A sessions. Bring me your challenges and struggles and get clarity on your burning questions. That way, by the time we end the program, you’ll know exactly how to hit your first $20K month.

12 Weeks of Support & Accountability

Gain exclusive access to our highly supportive community of ambitious goal getters who will collaborate with you and lift you up on those days when you’re swimming in confusion and doubt.

AND the Key to a Treasure Chest of Bonuses

Gain exclusive access to our highly supportive community of ambitious goal getters who will collaborate with you and lift you up on those days when you’re swimming in confusion and doubt.

BONUS #1: Turn Your Opt-In Page into a Lead-Generating Machine

Get my eyeball-grabbing opt-in page template virtually guaranteed to collect a pile of fresh, qualified leads for your coaching business, every single day. 

BONUS #2: Money-In-the-Bank Webinar Template

Top coaches know how to create webinar presentations that have viewers waiting on the edge of their seats to book calls or even invest in their programs immediately, and you will too. Here, you’ll get my fill-in-the-blank webinar template to help you pull in the perfect clients with ease. 

BONUS #3: Big Black Book of Contacts

Building a successful coaching business requires a team. And that’s exactly why when you enroll in Map to Clients, I’m giving you full access to mine. Whether you’re too busy to handle emails or just don’t have the desire to take sales calls, we have a qualified team member standing by to help. 

OR maybe you’ve been dreaming of writing a book or landing a TV or radio feature but have no idea who to call that make that happen … yep, we have a PR expert on hand who can help with that too. 

My Strategies Work. Here’s MORE Proof.

Dreams do come TRUE! Thanks to Sandra, I’ve enrolled the first participant into my coaching program!”

 – Angela Pearl, CEO, LEAD Coaching

“One of the things I’ve learned from Sandra is the power of negotiation. Sandra dropped some mind-blowing insight on how to ask for what you want and I will be leveraging those tips, tools and strategies so that I can do more in the marketplace.” 

Shadé Y. Adu, Digital Brand Strategist

"Sandra’s coaching has blessed me. I left her retreat feeling like a millionaire. Like really and truly – I now know how to make my first million. She taught me how to zero in on my purpose and break down the steps needed to achieve my goals. Most importantly, Sandra taught me how to move beyond just having a vision and into implementing the strategies to make that vision real.”

Louise Nunga, CEO, Auntie Puff Puff Mix

Dreams do come TRUE! Thanks to Sandra, I’ve enrolled the first participant into my coaching program!”

 – Angela Pearl, CEO, LEAD Coaching

“One of the things I’ve learned from Sandra is the power of negotiation. Sandra dropped some mind-blowing insight on how to ask for what you want and I will be leveraging those tips, tools and strategies so that I can do more in the marketplace.” 

Shadé Y. Adu, Digital Brand Strategist

"Sandra’s coaching has blessed me. I left her retreat feeling like a millionaire. Like really and truly – I now know how to make my first million. She taught me how to zero in on my purpose and break down the steps needed to achieve my goals. Most importantly, Sandra taught me how to move beyond just having a vision and into implementing the strategies to make that vision real.”

Louise Nunga, CEO, Auntie Puff Puff Mix

Everything You Need to Hit

$20K in Revenue Month After Month

Here’s what’s waiting for you inside Map to Clients:

The 8-Phase Formula for Building a Coaching Business that Generates Consistent $20K Revenue Months ($22,000 value)

Without exaggeration what you’re about to learn has been crucial in helping to generate over $20 million in revenue.

BONUS Treasure Chest of Failproof Frameworks, Samples, Done-For-You Scripts & Templates
 ($1,515 value)

These grab-and-go strategies, frameworks and ready-to-use scripts and templates will save you significant time, effort and energy.

Live Coaching Q&A Calls

Tune in every week for LIVE Q&A sessions. Bring me your challenges and struggles and get clarity on your burning questions. That way, by the time we end the program, you’ll know exactly how to hit your first $20K month.

12 Full Weeks of Support & Accountability

Gain exclusive access to our highly supportive community of ambitious goal getters who will collaborate with you and lift you up on those days when you’re swimming in confusion and doubt.

Total Map to Clients Value = $23,515

Total Investment for Qualified Applicants = Less Than 1/3 the Total Value

Now, I want you to see the enormous value you’ll get in this program. These numbers are not exaggerated – they’re an honest estimate since you cannot purchase what I teach in Map to Clients anywhere else.

One more thing …

Make no mistake, as a coach, your strategies, tactics and how you interact with clients is the stuff standing between you and your goal of consistently hitting $20K in monthly revenue. And having a certification and a pile of low-paying clients is not going to change that.

You owe it to yourself and the people you’re meant to serve to stop playing small and level up.

You see, the mere fact that you have the desire to level up well beyond the coveted $10K months tells me you’re already a BOSS. I’m just here to show you how to coach like one.


How is Map to Clients different from other group courses?

One of the biggest differences is the curriculum was built exclusively for ambitious women coaches by a successful female coach. I use my “in-the-trenches” experience to dive deep into revenue-generating activities such as getting your mindset right by breaking free from undervaluing your wisdom, pulling in more profits by mastering the art of sales calls, and attracting more qualified leads by producing a pro-level webinar, opt-in page and Facebook ads and so on.

That way, you’re not simply talking about the strategies behind “making more money,” you’re actually taking real steps toward consistently hitting $20K months.

Also, while there are many incredible coaches teaching you how to grow your coaching business, I’m teaching this program in a way that I don’t see done often – and that’s from A to Z in 12 weeks, NOT 12 months. You see, each lesson builds on the next, leaving you with a complete framework for attracting premium clients in a way that makes you feel good about serving the people who need you most.

Now, while longer programs exist, I’ve found that many leave participants feeling inattentive, distracted and frustrated because they’re forced to wait a whole year before being ready enough to jump into the marketplace where they can start making “consistent” money sooner rather than later.

I’m already burnt out from social media. How much time will I have to spend posting and commenting on social media?

Many of our participants spend up to 90 minutes a week on social media after learning how to maximize every post. So, if you’re feeling like you’ve been sucked into a social media black hole without an exit plan, Map to Clients is here to the rescue.

Inside the program, you’ll find out how to generate leads 24/7/365 on autopilot and book discovery calls that close sales so you slash the time you spend on social media in half.

I’ve already completed a coaching certification program, what’s different about Map to Clients?

What’s different is I’m not teaching a bunch of textbook theories like what’s included in most certification programs. Instead, you’ll get a full A to Z framework on how to start hitting consistent $20K months.

After our time together, you’ll have a complete system. I’m talking the right mindset, an irresistible offer, a lead magnet, a marketing campaign, an automated sales funnel and a word-for-word sales script proven to turn that “not right now” response into “enroll me today!”

I just started my biz and $20K months sounds like a BIG goal; is this program right for me?

Heck yesss! Whether you’re just stepping foot into the wonderful world of coaching or you’ve been in the trenches a while and aren’t making the money you want, mastering my 8-phase formula is mandatory for leveling up your business in a way that attracts more clients and generates more revenue with less work.

What I teach in Map to Clients is designed to help you “get off on the good foot” by building a distinguishable brand, selling like a pro and implementing automated business systems that will allow you to run the business of your dreams without sacrificing the freedom lifestyle you crave.

Will I be able to ask questions and get answers about my specific type of coaching business?

Absolutely. Each week, I’ll host a LIVE Q&A call where you can get answers to all your burning questions. PLUS, you’ll get support and accountability from our highly engaged community of ambitious goal getters.  

Will I get access to all 8 phases as soon as I enroll?

No. We’ll release lessons on a weekly basis so you can indulge in the content and take action without getting caught up in a Tsunami of trainings. The great thing is the program includes 8 lessons and 12 weeks of support and accountability allowing you to work through the content and make progress at a reasonable pace. 

Can I purchase just one of the modules?

No. Every lesson included in our 8-phase formula has been carefully curated to build on each other. We have found that even when participants are familiar with a specific lesson topic, they benefit from gaining new insight and a different perspective. Because we want to see you win and grow your business right from the start, Map to Clients is all “all-or-nothing” course. 

I enrolled in Map to Rockstar Coaching. How is Map to Clients different?

In Map to Rockstar Coaching, you learned how to act, think and get paid like a 6-figure coach, which is must-have knowledge before you can open your heart (and mind) to pulling in $20K months, which is what you’ll find out how to do here in Map to Clients

The bottom line is this: In Map to Rockstar Coaching you learned how to build the foundation of a 6-figure coaching business whereas in Map to Clients you’ll discover how to work my 8-phase formula in a way that shifts you from reaching for 6 figures to consistently hitting $20K month after month.

When does the program start? 

We kick things off on [insert date]. I’m not sure when I’ll open the doors again to Map to Clients or how much I’ll increase the price next time around. So, if you already know you’re ready to blow past your profit goals each month (without killing yourself to do it), I recommend joining us now.

How much time will it take to get through the program?

You will receive 8 weeks of lessons and a total of 12 weeks of support and accountability. PLUS, I’ll host a weekly Q&A session to ensure you’re crystal clear on the actions required to reach your first $20K month.

To get the best results from the program, I recommend dedicating about 2 hours each week to dive into the modules and complete any assignments.

Will I get lifetime access to all the lessons, trainings and bonuses?
Yes, you will. 

What do I do if I need support?

Bring your questions to the weekly Q&A sessions where I’ll answer any and all of your burning questions. You’ll also get support from inside our community of ambitious goal getters just like you.

Make no mistake, having the right support can make (or break) your progress, so as long as you speak out and ask for what you need, you’ll get it inside Map to Clients.

©  2019.  Sandra Kemayou. All Rights Reserved, Designed by Envision Creative A.R.T